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Rescue Sleep Spray

Helps ease a restless mind
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Size 20ml spray
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Good Purchase.

Fri May 17, 2013 Would recommend - yes

Very pleased with product. Very helpful to take if you want a goodnights sleep.

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A Mother's Godsend

Wed Dec 5, 2012 Would recommend - yes

I have been using this for both myself when I've been feeling stressed or anxious about something or just going through periods of insomnia. I swear by it and really do feel it works as I wake feeling better (not to mention get to sleep without too much tossing and turning in the first place). I have also stumbled upon using it for my 3 year old who has suffered from night terrors since she was under 2. I've given her a "magic fairy spray" 5-6 times now and each night she has slept a lot better if not all night without issues. So it could be a great option for parents of children that are bad sleepers (waking a lot) or have bad dreams or night terrors. I consider my daughter to be rather sensitive and emotional (compared to mum, dad and her little sister) and this homeopathic remedy totally suits her. If it helps train her into better sleep and mental well being then as a parent I needed to share this news.

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2 sprays directly onto the tongue or into a glass of water (sipped at intervals during the day). Rescue Remedy can be taken as often as required and as frequently as every 10 minutes.

Bach Flower Rescue Sleep helps relieve sleeplessness associated with an over-active mind and worrying thoughts. Assists with relief from anxiety, nervous tension, stress, agitation or despair providing a sense of calm.

Helps ease a restless mindHelps with trauma and shockHelps in with anger, tension, terror and panic.


Tinctures of Star of Bethlehem (Orithogalum umbellatum)
Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium)
Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera)
Impatiens (Impatiens gladulifera)
Clematis (Clematis vitalba)
White Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum)


None known, if taken as directed.