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Allan K Sutton
My Colloidal Silver

Helping the body's natural immune system
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Thu Jul 16, 2015 Would recommend - yes

great product

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Best Overall Purchase

Fri Oct 10, 2014 Would recommend - yes

This needs to be kept in your medical cabinet at all times.My daughter had coldsores and school sores together,and the antibiotic cream was not working.We were recommended this product and her lips have healed.Daughter 2 had a little dry cough, I made her spray her throat 4-5 times a day.The next day not one cough.Try this product first, for you won't be disappointed.I will always have this in my household, and were using it next winter to keep the bugs away.At twenty dollars a bottle, its a very cheap investment.

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Colloidal Silver can be take orally and it can be sprayed or applied topically. When using Colloidal Silver, drink AT LEAST 1 litre of water daily to aid the flushing process. ORAL DOSES To maintain good health and assist in preventing viral and bacterial infections Adultis: 15-20ml daily Children under twelve: 5-10mls daily To treat illness and infection Adultis: 25-30mls hourly Children under twelve: 10-15mls hourly At all times, colloidal silver doses are best held under the tongue for 30-60seconds before swallowing. COLLOIDAL SILVER IS AN EXCELLENT WATER PURIFIER Add 50mls/litre, shake well and wait ten minutes before drinking

Allan Sutton's original colloidal silver is formed through the electrolysis of 99.99% fine silver in deionised, reverse osmosis filtrated "pure" living spring water. An ion is formed when an atom surrenders one or more electrons. The ion remains in solution searching for some substance with which to bond that can supply the lost electron (s). "Pure" or de-ionized water has negligible impurities, thus supplying no such substance with which the silver ions may bond. Many everyday substances are produced from colloids among these are rubber, liquid soap and plastics. Colloids play an important part in the digestion and excretion of substances in the body.

Supports healthy digestion and elimination of substances in the bodyHelp support the body's natural immunityEffective natural antibacterialIdeal for winters ills and chill and dry rough throatsCan be used topically on cuts and burns


Filtered purified water
Silver ions (
Free from chemicals stabilisers and additives


None known when taken as suggested. 
Do not refrigerate
Keep in dark place away from electro magnetic field